Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Second Referee meeting

It has been asked to organise a second meeting for all referees in order to discuss again new rules and coduct.
The proposed date is the Friday the 18th of November, 19:30 at the IOHA office in Parkwest.
Please put stuff in Comments if you have suggestion for topics, or ...whatever you want!


A discussion should be open about the restart of the game after a goal. Many complaining have been made. This is Rule N 15.9, and it is regulated by Rule 15.4, 15.5, 16.1, 16.3.
In my opinion the defending player within the three meters should be penalized ONLY if he interfere with the restart, and a warning should be give first. ATTENTION because same rule should be applied to free-in throws

I think main topic should be quality of referring in the league. It’s really annoying, that referees are making so many mistakes. There is no excuse for that. All teams and players trying to improve their skills hard so should do referees. Simple mistakes can simply ruined all preseason work, especially when there is so many teams on similar level and when 1-2 actions can change result of the game. There’re a couple of very good referees, and few really bad. I can point by names, but that’s not the point. Is not difficult to find on the web, some interesting sites for referees. Also handball games can be easily downloaded from internet (for example: Watching the games is the best method of self-study. Please make some efforts to highlights this to all referees. The standard of Irish Handball League is more in their hands, than in player’s hand.

P.S. Referees seems to have biggest problem with deciding after fouls between 7 or 9 meters.

I quite agree with the last update. Even if the person chose to stay anonymous.

I used to ref games here in Ireland for quite a while. I choose this year to stop referee at least men first league game. I think the players mentality need also to change. They should stop complainning every single decision made by the referee.

I agree the Irish refereeing standard is not the best in the world. Ref can make mistake and will still do. I made loads of them myself. But the players can start by changing their behaviour on the court.

I've seen some foreigner players who used to play to a certain level in their own country behaving badly on the court or don't give any respect to the refs. I'm sure they will have been severly sanctioned in their own country for their behaviour. I don't point fingers to any players or team in particular. I even sometimes don't agree with the behaviour of my own team mates.

I think and sincerely hope that everything can change if players, coaches and referee are moving in the same direction.

Everything starts with respect and discussion between sensible human being.

I wish everybody a good weekend of handball and see most of you on Sunday in DCU.

To come back to the main topic, referee training. I sincerely think it was a pitty that not all referees come and see the EHF Challenge Trophy few weeks ago. They could have seen some good refereeing and possibily learn from it.

Ianik (DCU player/coach and former ref)

I must remember to all that we don't have players on one side and referees on the other, but these are the same people. Play now, ref next hour, so all the complaining has not much sense. Beside the quality of most players including my self is as bad or worse than the quality of refs.
However it has been decided to introduce a new task for referees. Referees have to write on the back of the score sheet any abusing and misbehaviour coming from players and officials (toward refs or table or other players). Then the IOHA will take action. As it stands now, the IOHA cannot do anything as nothign is reported, so it seems like nothing in really going on. In Italy abusing verbally a ref lead automatically to one match ban (plus a few 100s Euro fine).

That is not the solution... You can't pay for reeferees incompetence, and in most of the cases that's the reason of misbehaviour.

OK, you might not see it as the solution...but still, it is a rule that exist in many if not all the other countries! We simply implemented here despite referees/players behavior! I agree that refes should be trained, but... try to organise a ref. course or update session...see how many show up! And again remember that todays refs are players who make us a favour to be refs... Anyway there is the idea to have a ref course in order to have local refs... all welcome to attend or contribute.

You can't compare to other countries... anyway good luck for all referees, i beg you, please attend, train and study hard!

i think if whoever was sending those messages about referee incompetence is that angry at referees here maybe he should try refereeing himself...

Could everyone just chill the biscuit :-), i mightnt be the brightest spark when it comes to the rules, after all i'm only a goalie so i know the rules for goalkeepers and thats all so excuse me for been ignorant about the rest of the rules. i can see where anonymous is coming from.there should be a stricter rule imposed on players back- chatting to ref's.i believe its not allowed in other countries,otherwise u get 2 mins,rite?

I wish, if i only had time...
The comments are only to highlights issues and help you guys. There is not even small piece of being angry or rude.
The best of luck for all referees and players this weekend!

I was chatting with a guy who plays and refs basketball. Here the system they use. I think it is close to the one I like. We can adopt it or slightly modify it!

"we get paid €15 a game plus expenses which can often be about
another €15. So roughly €25-30 a game. The Dublin Officials
Association (DOA) appoint referees to games so you need to register
with them and also with Basketball Ireland. There is a fine if you
don't turn up to a game, which I've actually just received for missing
a game last week.
Each club must submit one ref per team they enter into the league or
they're fined and then disqualified from the league if they don't put
one forward."

Sounds good...

Meeting is cancelled!!! But we can keep discuss in here as we all do it at our ouw time!

well thats no good! why is it cancelled? if you mind me asking?
(markus)(not like i was gona go since they dont let me ref but i do the table quite a lot, i think teams should also pay more respect to them) by the way andrea, if a team keeps standing up and in the view of the table, i know the table are allowed to tell them to sit down , especially if its players, but can a penalty or caution be issued to the bench? if yes by who is it issued?

cheers Markus

the table can call the refs ans bring to their attention the issue, the the refs will act...yellow card and disqualification can be given to Officials....this is why they have their own box to tick! Officals can approach the table, because there is not board with time etc to see from te bench, so they are allowed to get the information they need, but...too much is too much!

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