Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Match postponement

Matches due to be played on the 4th of Dec have been postpones as the Loughlinstown Sport Hall is not available as refurbishment is not completed.


DI HC vs UCD Synday at 9:30am St. Columbas

Andrea I suppose PL stand for played, if that is the case why DI and UCD have only 1 played each? And Astra and Lughnasa 2? we all played two match each. You are getting so old, or better as we say in Italy "ti sei ricoglionito"

Si, mi sono rincoglionito, or I must stop doing these updates after 11pm

Guys, snow is very bad today in the area trust me. I live 5 min from Columba's. So be ready not be to able to play! I suggest you get Kevina a call on Friday or Saturday

Thanks Andrea

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